I shall do this experiment , quite dangerous to test on god existence. you all may say its not a good one.
If god or ghost exist, pls come out now and kill me now. If I am able to type and put up post , that means i am still alive, which means that no ghost or god has existed.
If I tell you I will get a job tomorrow, God or ghost is helping me.
Originally posted by ndmmxiaomayi:
If I tell you I will get a job tomorrow, God or ghost is helping me.
does not make sense your reasoning.
Anyway, five minutes have passed and i have seen a single ghost or acts of god. So quiet. Perhaps they are busy and did not see this message. Busy? did not see? I wonder what happen to their super power . Also, I thought that they are many ghosts in the world.
ok, 1 and half hour liao, still no god or ghost appear yet to talk to me or kick me in the ass.
I think your formal logic is flawed.
If God doesnt want to prevent evil , then he isnt all good.
If God isnt able to prevent evil , then he isnt all powerful.
Either God isnt able to prevent evil or he doesnt want to.
Therefore : Either God isn't all good , or he isnt powerful enough.
By applying this formal logic on your case , i would say since u are still alive. And u were prevented of dying. And Killing is an act that is evil itself. So the conclusion can only mean that God exists and Ghosts exists.
Since our mind is so sophisticated , our comprehension level beyond our own understanding , our former logic in reasoning and truth is limited to the extent on what we know and able to comprehend is beyond us.
what if God is putting you to the test... a test of your faith?
and you were found wanting...
since you are so obsessed with divinity, go read up what Jesus said to Thomas..
pls go to lim chu kang cemetry at midnight and pee and the tombstone...see what happens
TS. u dont write this experiment here..
u wan to do real experiment, go to cemetary alone at nite and sleep there. and just say loudly Ghost doesnt exist,, then u tell us wat will happen later.
for God, you're just another human wasting time to test god's power. i dont think he will grant your wish to die just like that lol
i dun even need him to kill me. i just need him to appear and tallk to me. I so much want to believe in him and hope he exist, but alas, evidence says other wise.
If only he will appear.
I say this once and for all, ghost also dun appear. even if you go to cemetery and pee and shit, nothing will appear. I wished all those evil ghost and powerful ghost can come and showed me all their powers.
I see more evil human in my daily life that I am more afraid of humans. Ghost? my foot.
its amazing how many reasonings human can come up with to explain the existence of ghost. for example, those with weak spirit will encounter ghost more easily.
last time my camp in near lim chu kang loh... live there for 2 years also no real ghost come and visit me.
I am not arguing from experience therefore no ghost. I am saying from both statistical experience and sciencetific angle. pls dun say that science cannot explain everything because so what? as if there is something that can explain everything.
lol u dun talk cock, just becuz u never experienced it, doesnt mean u can talk cock like this. like i said, go cemetary at night, dun just say bullshit things here like go there pee and nothing will happen ? how will u know if u dun try ? lol, ur a funny man... already give conclusion to something that has not happened lol...
So have u tested, cock-talker ? lol
Originally posted by january:I am not arguing from experience therefore no ghost. I am saying from both statistical experience and sciencetific angle. pls dun say that science cannot explain everything because so what? as if there is something that can explain everything.
Do u even know what u are talking about ma ?
lol.. anyways. I wish u will be able to see what u hope to see. Preferably at night , when u stumble into the toilet. See a ghostly apparition that freaked u out so much u slipped , fell n broke ur neck on the edge of the toilet seat. Pants down. =P
yea i hope u can see some good one.. hopefuly u dun get a good spirit.. the best is u find a more powerful spirit that can haunt u,. yea i wish taht spirit will make u feel good.. dun try to look for any medium for help if u got the powerful one.
don't test their patience january...
but then, the human mind also plays a big part
if you're feeling fear, everything will come to u
I said before already. Scared of ghost??? There are more things in real life that I have to be scared of...
car accident, cancer, crimes, work stress, money, diseases, natural disaster. I am not trying to be "tee kee" here and act brave. I am saying this things based on my understanding of reality and how causality words.
There is no ghost, just like we say that there is no santa claus. Even if you cursed santa claus one million times, he will not appear to haunt you. That is the logic.
I can asked for all the world most haunted ghosts to haunt me but the truth will be that i will still be spending my time working and my normal activities.
Hynoptism, hallucinatory drugs, fragrances, scamming tools, illusions, brain damages, natural brain and sensation processes creating deja vu, psychological bias, statistical bias exists i admit. All this leads to why people think there are ghost. But a reasoned and knowledged mind will tell you that there is no ghost.
Jumping to conclusion and presumed stories is what brain tends to do what there is report of people, celebrities being possessed and become neurotic. Put them to the test of law and forenscis to see whether what is the actual cause.
Have you ever have a class which tells you how to avoid ghost, how to prepare when you see a ghost. Do you know why in modern city, there is no such things. Becos ghost is a unreal stuff. why teach unreal stuff. unreal stuff only for people gossiping and tabiod newspaper.
Court, major newspaper have no time for these unreal stuff.
Originally posted by BadzMaro:Do u even know what u are talking about ma ?
lol.. anyways. I wish u will be able to see what u hope to see. Preferably at night , when u stumble into the toilet. See a ghostly apparition that freaked u out so much u slipped , fell n broke ur neck on the edge of the toilet seat. Pants down. =P
I will more probably slipped down and broke my neck if i have too much drinks.
Even houdini the master magician is a firm believer of ghost not existing because he knows how illusion works. Non ghost believing is a ancient topic and has always have non ghost believers for many many generations.
Go read up more in life than you gain more knowledge about these things. Anyway, non-believers are usually atheist, and atheist generally are non god believer also.
lol, abt tat "science cant prove everything" reasoning rite..
i wan to ask a qns..
i often hear christians argue the reasoning of god to be frm the Creator's theory, aka the watchmaker's theory.
but if i take that theory into account, and since god is the creator of all things dead or alive in our world, why would science be unable to prove god's existence? theoratically it should be able to, since im sure u all can agree science is complicated, and it cannot happen by mere chance
During the age of enlightenment , we are all moderns. And nowadays have science to explain the things where back in the day with our limited knowlege , religion dictates many things. Its only natural that science and religion is hard to stand side by side. cartesian ego. cause most modern people are independent , self-difining , rational, self aware..(Intellectually autonomous). religious doctrines have no place in the understanding of the physical and human world , since we can be improved through education. Scientific revolution. So it is logical that there are non-believers. But the fact that the way you wanted to test its existence is so.. i read liaw i have to post some remark. haha
there are ghosts and there is a God
These otherwordly things happen on their own designations, that experiences of them will naturally be the anecdotal sort. Speaking of ghosts, has anybody here been lucky to be part of an exorcism? Pretty sick and cool shit to see it.
Exorcism? like wad? kena possessed one?
i nv see b4 lei. but last time i went to lim chu kang cemetry to walk see wif my frens.
den i chance upon tis small groupd of ppl, den 2 of them wearing costumes of the 2 chinese long tongue ghosts( u noe,the black ghost and the white ghosts with tall hats and dangling tongues). they were doing some kind of ritual thing to tis particular gravestone i tink. my fren say they asking for 4d or something de. i not sure wad it is tho. =x
still no ghost come yet... sianz.... where are all the evil ghost... so lousy they all...