Solomon1983 wrote:Remember the Lord Jesus.He is our
Ideal,He is the indwelling inside and begin a prayer...(a little musical )

Let your mind,your senses and body vibrate with a little spiritual vibration.Then pray to Supreme Being.One great danger in spiritual life,when we follow a particular path,and condemn other true spiritual paths that we are likely to be very is good &
blissful to acknowledge not only our particular path,but also the true teachings of other religions.
( but follow one particular path only orelse you shall be in big confusion)The mind becomes broad.Another danger in spiritual life is to extremely selfish...spiritual seekers think too much of themselves....forgot about others.So it is good to pray not only for one's own welfare, but also for the welfare of all.Just as you aspire after peace,you want to attain purity,you want to attain illumination,so also pray for peace,purity and enlightenment for everybody. ' Let all people move towards the Supreme illumined.
' This kind pf prayer will broaden on our mind.This kind of prayer soothes our nerves and calm our minds.Besides expanding our consciouness to some extent,
this kind of prayer is selfless...