REDS Issit Liverpool?
You must see how good is yr DM , cos he is the one who cover any hole at the back if a fullback is out of position-eg during attacking. Every position depand on one another, if the team move together they can put offside trap for the opponent. Fullback always work with the person infront and overlap each other on attacking , make space, draw opponent and create assist to striker. I like to play on the left tho I'm a right footer cos it's easier to shoot on right foot with the goal on yr right side cos the angle is better.
CM normally don't consider Left or right, it's front and back cos they work differently. Front one work with 2 striker on attack and back one ,DM, cover defenders.
Striker is one front one back ,back is the one sometime known as play maker,
and CM front work with striker no.2 which is the playmaker or both can call playmaker is the heart and soul of the team who rule the midfield and attack with their creative and footballing brain. No.1 Striker is we all known is the no.1 top scorer with the killer instinct and eye on the goal.
On the flank you don't encounter the main attack head on, is the speed that matter and block all crosses. Both LM and LB work together and same goes to RM and RB.
As for CD, is about hard tackle and win the ball. If yr defence out number - CD must always keep an eye on the opponent strikers position at all time. Positioning is base on awareness during the game, if a player have too many thing in his head they can't see far on what happening next.
Too many instructions will only make the player lose concentration. They must know their primary task b4 thinking of how to support each other and cover others position during counter attack by opponent.
My 2cents though