I've tried doing this before , not sure if it works for you guys .
Primary School :
Acting sick
- Mainly sore eyes , you can get them easily , jus stare at one object , open you eyes wides , don't blink , and you'll get them , most primary school teachers are convinced because ur a kid.

Secondary School :
You can't skive alot in secondary school , mainly in class chit-chat n etc , alternate ways .
Going to the restrooms
- Best excuse , you can skive for like 1/2hr ? Thats if you aren't marked by your teachers , but some schools gives like a toilet pass , which makes it harder , this way works best with upper secondary.
- well it works with Primary school too if you say , but some don't know where are they suspossed to feel the pain* , many make themselves malu*. So mainly used in secondary school , Gastric can be used whole time in school , in the morning , just say that you haven't had breakfast and you feel pain , most likely your teachers will allow you to go to the canteen , that's when you skive.Works for me

JC n U etc:
well , for this you need lots of help from your friends ! So make some good friends NOW ! Hahax. Don't make enemies
- Okay , the lecturers mostly take a WHOLE bunch of students , he won't know if you are missing , well of course unless you sit infront . Best is that you sit beside the door.When the lesson is almost ended, sneak back in . Its actually quite simple.
Well , i hope this helps abit , but your brains are active , many people are constantly thinking of many ideas on how to skive aka pontang [ ponteng ].
THE STRONGEST SURVIVES ! Old tactics are useless nowdays

Just remember , you will be the winner , for today , tomorrow and forever