Hi psp users out there,
facing the trouble of not having enough memory for your psp? memory stick pro duo too expensive? i might just have a solution for you.
i am currently selling a mirco sd to memory stick adaptor which is able to support up 32 gb!! (using two 16gb mirco sdhc cards, there are two mirco sd slots). It has been tested to be working for both psp fat (older version) and psp slim. the custom firmware tested on is 4.01 m33-3 dark alex's version
the adaptor is a cheaper alternative as compared to mem stick pd as a 8gb mem stick gb costs ard S$55 while the adaptor can be converted to 8gb for lesser! keep in mind that you can always add on additional mirco sdhc cards to expand the memory (up to 32gb), instead of getting new mem stick pd.
i am currently selling the adaptors @ S$35 (negotiable) per piece, it comes with a 3 month warranty.
bundle offer:
cost of adaptor (if you purchase of 1 mirco sd hc card (kingston) with it) ->S$29 instead of S$35
for kingston, 8gb -> S$27, 4gb -> S$14, 2gb -> S$9.00
if you purchase an adaptor (with a mirco sd card), you can choose to have price reduction to S$29 or extend your warranty to 6months.
there is also an option of extending warranty to 6months at a price of S$6
there will be discount for buying 2 pieces of adaptor and above.
the price is negotiable, just drop me an email and i will discuss with you asap.
interested party can contact me via my email account: BTtrader@hotmail.com
i currently have 5 more pieces.