The New Controlled Drug
– Buprenorphine (active ingredient in Subutex)
Subutex (or buprenorphine hydrochloride) is a prescription drug registered by the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) and is regulated by the Ministry of Health (MOH) under the Medicines Act and Poisons Act. Subutex was introduced in 2002 by the Ministry of Health for use as substitution treatment for opiate-dependent (i.e. heroin) drug abusers. The aim of substitution therapy is to reduce craving for heroin and facilitate improvement in social functioning such as employment and personal relationships. However, drug addicts were found abusing Subutex as a substitute drug to heroin.
Buprenorphine, the active ingredient in Subutex, was listed as a Class A Controlled Drug under the First Schedule of the Misuse of Drugs Act (MDA) with effect from 14 August 2006. The importation, distribution, possession and consumption of Subutex are offences under the MDA unless specifically exempted by the relevant authorities.
Subutex comes in 2 mg and 8 mg pills. Its active ingredient is Buprenorphine Hydrochloride and it is a semi-synthetic opioid derivative closely related to morphine. Subutex is taken sublingually i.e. to place it under the tongue until it dissolves.
Effects and Dangers
Ø Sedation
Ø Light-headedness
Ø Dizziness
Ø Nausea
Ø Constipation
Ø Vomiting
Medical complications arising from intravenous abuse of Subutex especially when mixed with other prescription drugs:
Ø Clogging of veins leading to gangrene
Ø Breathing problems (respiratory depression) which can lead to death
The sharing of needles can also cause the spread of Hepatitis B and C and the HIV virus if the needles are contaminated.
Withdrawal Symptoms
Ø Mild symptoms: Anxiety, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, muscle and joint pains, insomnia
Ø Severe symptoms: Delirium tremens, clouding of consciousness, severe tremors or seizures
Illegal traffic of ‘Buprenorphine’ and its metabolite, ‘Norbuprenorphine’:
Ø Minimum of 5 years imprisonment and 5 strokes of the cane
Ø Maximum of 20 years imprisonment and 15 strokes of the cane
Possession or consumption of ‘Buprenorphine’ and its metabolite, ‘Norbuprenorphine’:
Ø Maximum of 10 years imprisonment or a $20,000 fine or both