Face of Mars

On May 8, 2001, a press conference was held in New York City which many are calling a scientific milestone.
This event was held to announce the discovery of a new human-like face (photo right), strange tunnels, pyramids and signs of current vegetation on Mars from among the 65,000 recently released NASA/JPL photographs taken by the Mars Global Surveyor.

The researchers believe the extraordinary new face, which is a mile and a quarter wide and is located near Syrtis Major (about 3,000 miles from the famous Sphinx-like face photographed by NASA in the Cydonia region of Mars) and a series of glass-like tubes(photo left) measuring 60 feet in diameter with exposed 1,000 foot sections and other artificial structures, are proof that Mars once was inhabited by an intelligent civilization. Arthur C. Clarke, who wrote the film "2001" told Van Flandern that he believes that "large life" -- namely vegetation and perhaps even trees, may be present in some of the NASA Mars Global Surveyor photographs. NASA's new Martian probe, the Mars Odyssey, is dedicated to Clarke and should start sending back pictures from the Red Planet about a year from now.

City and pyramids on Mars, as well as the 'face'.

Moon Metropolis - Since the arrival of “super” telescopes, thousands of moon astronomers have noticed strange abnormalities on the lunar surface. Disappearing craters and mysterious track markings make us question who really resides on the moon. Studies of NASA photographs clearly show glass domes, mile high towers, and rectangular mounds. Glowing lights have also been seen leaving and returning to the moon’s surface. Could earth’s satellite be a space station for traveling ETs?