Autopsy video image

One of a series of pictures taken by Filiberto Caponi of an alleged 'alien' that he found near his house.

One of a series of pictures taken by Filiberto Caponi of an alleged 'alien' that he found near his house.

The "Ming Pao Alien", from a series of pictures that were published in the Hong Kong newspaper, "Ming Pao News" in 1995. It was originally claimed that the pictures were evidence of a UFO crash in China in 1977. It is now believed that they are fake. The pictures allegedly changed hands for the sum of $200,000.

This is one of several images taken from a gentleman that heard strange noises coming from his back yard. When he went outside to investage, he spotted a triangular UFO hovering in his back yard. He grabbed the video camera to capture the craft when he heard strange russeling in his garden. These are the images that he captured.