Exquisite model by exoto. what attracted me to this model was the attractive shape of the car. The combination of bulges, fins and gills make this a really unique race car. Engine and undercarriage details are superb as should be expected. :p
Whoa! Where did u get this piece? How much? This is one hell of a model, very nice details.. And congrats, this is the first exoto model to be posted in sgdc I just hope that they do make some modern cars..
Hmm, didnt know this would be the first exoto on sgdc..cool. Anyway i got it for $200, and i heard exoto will do an aston martin vanquish...
Originally posted by M1rag3:
Hmm, didnt know this would be the first exoto on sgdc..cool. Anyway i got it for $200, and i heard exoto will do an aston martin vanquish...
ic, but i would prefer the lesser DB9.. haha and $200 for the model is very good price, congrats. Where did u get it?
Nikko. They are trying to clear off Exotos at half price (this model was originally $400 )