Originally posted by larrylee:
welcome to SGDC
nice japanese collection
Yep, thanks for e compliment.
Originally posted by mark-x link:
hello, pls give more info abt urself to be allow into the forum. thanks.
pls also pm me ur msn, thanks
Hi Mark-x,
i've msg u my MSN.
Well, alittle of myself, since being asked...
i'm a 23 yr-old Chinese, now serving e NS in AmmoCommand.
Cars is my life, & drivin is my greatest passion;
Car-model collecting is just part of it.
Used to work in Uni's AML as a 2nd car sales-executive,
so drove all kinda cars & learned abit on e mechanical side.
Will be getting my own car in near-future,
& hopes to open my own garage or workshop someday... any kahkis?? :p
Tat's basically about it.
My MSN & Friendster is
[email protected]Hope to know u guys more.