The inscription on the portrait of the T'ang dynasty master Shan-tao of Kuan-ming temple:
Chih-yung praises the extraordinary virtue of Shan-tao: "Shan-tao is an incarnation of Amida Buddha. To say the Buddha's six-character Name is to praise the Buddha; it is to repent; it is to awaken the aspiration for birth and turn over the virtue. All the roots of good adorn the Pure Land."Chih-yung was a venerable monk of China. He praises the extraordinary virtue of Shan-tao, "Shan-tao is an incarnation of Amida Buddha."
To say the Buddha's six-character Name: to say Namu-amida-butsu. Is to praise the Buddha: To say Namu-amida-butsu is to praise the Buddha.
Further, it is to repent: To say Namu-amida-butsu is to repent all the karmic evil one has committed since the beginningless past.
It is to awaken the aspiration for birth and turn over the virtue: To say Namu-amida-butsu is to desire to be born in the Pure Land of peace. Further, it is to give this virtue to all sentient beings.
All the roots of good adorn the Pure Land: Know that the Buddha has gathered all roots of good into the three syllables, A-mi-da, so that to say the Name, Namu-amida-butsu, is to adorn the Pure Land. Such is Master Chih-yung's praise of Shan-tao.
Master Shan-tao states:
Namu means "to take refuge." It furthers signifies aspiring for birth and directing virtue. Amida-butsu is the practice. Because of this import, one necessarily attains birth.Namu means "to take refuge." "To take refuge" is to respond to the command and follow the call of the two honored ones, Sakyamuni and Amida. Thus Shan-tao explains, Namu means to take refuge.
It further signifies aspiring for birth and directing the virtue: the aspiration to be born in the Pure Land of happiness in response to the call of the two honored ones.
Amida-butsu is explained as the practice, which means we should know that the fulfilled practice is none other than the Primal Vow in which Bodhisattva Dharmakara selected the Name. It is the act-as-cause by which birth in the Pure Land of peace is truly settled.
Because of this import: since it has the import of being the cause by which birth is truly settled.
One necessarily attains birth: Attain means to be brought to attainment. Birth means to be born in the Pure Land. Necessarily: One is brought to the attainment of birth naturally, by jinen. Jinen means that one does not calculate in any way whatever.