[This message has been edited by vinylstar (edited 04 August 2001).]
Dear vinyl star,
Wanna know each other?
I'm a first yr too. Which class are you from?
U can also e-mail to me lowlow@email.com.
[This message has been edited by vinylstar (edited 04 August 2001).]
Hey hey!! hihi!
itz been quite sometime!
but nevertheless,here i am.
wat student union and how u all go about doin it?
email me @
Hi vinyl star,
Well, I don't even know it do exists. We students are not informed. Or do we?
Anyway,what's the heated arguments about from the seniors? Don't they want to run a student union/group well ? Most polys have lah.
In case sadness prt iii read this,
I have sent you a e-mail.
[This message has been edited by Jing (edited 27 November 2000).]
Heyo guys!
i echo wat Jing said!Com'on...let us know something abot the senior and the sch thing leh...all the mambo jumbo...thanx!
Jing...thanx for ur mail.
[This message has been edited by vinylstar (edited 04 August 2001).]
now now..icic.
i get wat u mean
vinylstar...do email me if its of any convenience to u.
meanwhile keep us updated.
oops...my starvewang@designer.com.sg is down...i cannot enter my email account.
so please send all ur mails to my main email acc.
Vinyl star,
I have echo the same sentiments as the participants.... the cramped timetables, leaving them little time to be involved in stuff to improve the skool; much less personal time."
I do agree. The half semester is like hell. Sometimes, I don't even know what I'm doing and who I am.
For the multimedia part,I don't even have enough time to master the software. I only know bits and pieces. Luckily, the lecturer was kind enough to coach me.
Vinyl star, Don't mind pls email me. lowlow@email.com. Thanks. What's your email address?
[This message has been edited by vinylstar (edited 04 August 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Sadness PRT III (edited 19 February 2001).]