This thread is for all of u forum members to put in your birthdates so that we can throw a party for you

- Put your birthdates in the
Birthday Thread and also list the favourite color so that your name/birthdate will look in this thread instead of just the usual black
-You can PM the mods your birthdates and we will put it in our virtual list for you (if you are shy to tell)
List of forum members birthdates:
IamAngeline - 1 JanuaryLazerLordz - 12 Januaryditzy - 14 JanuaryGordonator - 16 Jan Ito_^ - 20 Januaryamuletgurl - 26 Januaryiveco - 27 Januarydorothy tng: 14 February olala: 14 FebruaryEiizumi - 16 Februarythhong22 - 22 Februaryskid: 7 Marchmeltz: 15 Marchasplooh - 19 Marchbrowniebaobao: 28 MarchCKeer: 30 Marchxiaodingdung: 13 Aprilhuiz - 4 May0tah -15 May 1989 (Taurus)the man who was death: 17 Mayskinnybeanie - 19 Maypukadon - 27 MayOasisBlue: 14 June Ah Cek: 18 June[b
]TYING -2nd July [/b]
Mao x 2: 24 Julyyukinari - 3 Augustextremex - 6 AugustLarren.V.2003 :17 AugustOceanos: 26 AugustF.O.S - 3 Septemberforfun_cash - 6 SeptemberStellazio: 9 September saline: 9 September [a birthday here in white..pls take note]
anhydrouscoppersulphate: 13 Septemberndmmxiaomayi: 18 SeptemberSqully: 18 September StarPuppy: 23 SeptemberPrincess livia:28 SeptemberMeOwSuSan - 2 OctoberMospeada: 7 Octobersupercharger - 7 Octobermissqi: 14 Octoberdiaperboy - 30 Octoberlarry_longwei - 31 OctoberMosPosterior: 3 NovemberEstee - 3 Novemberjoker105: 4 NovemberBufPuf - 9 Novembermhcampboy: 29 Novembergasband: 5 Decemberfinoq: 14 Decembercharlesxll: 17 DecembericYwATeR: 23 Decembermystiv: 26th dec------------------- me to add on with the birthdates...Many thanks in advance
Please refer to this for your favourite colour.