"This will be held on the Saturday 17th November.
Time will be at 4pm and will run for approx 2 hours (maybe a little more)
15 placements only (this will be a strict number because of the attention needed to be given)
Cost $40 per person.
This workshop is for experienced lifters (meaning that you have some lifting skills and some base strength) - 6 mths training will usually be enough.
Lifts covered
- Clean
- Hang Clean
- Jerk
- Clean & Jerk
- Snatch
- DB Snatch
- KB Snatch
- KB Clean
Email at seminars@optimumperformance.com.sg with Olympic Workshop in the subject line.
*** for those who want to warm up before the workshop (advised) then a warmup will be conducted from 3.30 - 4pm (free)
Original thread:
38 Carpenter St