got your baggers?? hehe. SO late never sleep ah, end up bought a new ball. hoho.Originally posted by apple*:Just got a new ball drilled up skid/snap, still trying get used to it...its supposed to go down the lane about 35 ft and snap vs my other hook balls where it gets more of an arch than a snap...
Arch vs Snap, is there a difference when come to lane condition?
So whats your opinions or what do you prefer?
How ur bowling lately?Originally posted by airgrinder:got your baggers?? hehe. SO late never sleep ah, end up bought a new ball. hoho.
I always use to think a ball can both snap and arc, depending on the lane condition and the axis tilt and the strength of the core.
I would think the higher the contrast of oil between the back (lesser) and the front (more), the more the ball will snap, with all other factors reminding the same.
The weaker the core, the more ability of the ball to snap.
I prefer arching. More controllable. And good for taking 9-10, 3-10, 6-10.
haha. impt thing is to enjoy the game! =)Originally posted by apple*:How ur bowling lately?
hehehe...baggers gone to others away from me...
Blame on the arch vs snap make my mind thinking non-shop..
Yup..had tried only 2 games last nite with my new ball...trying to figure how to SNAP...hehehe...last nite always hit into 1-2pocket...
Yup..u are rite...lane condition...few days ago..snap very well...
But last nite...dun know what kind of snap lah...
The weaker the core, the more ability of the ball to snap?? Weaker Core = low end ball?
ya...arch..i used to bowl arch..easy to control...agreed...Only recently i drilled up my ball with skid/snap..very adventure me rite? taking up this new struggling with it...
thatwise making a post here, maybe those use to bowl with snap can advise me...
Many thanks for your explaination..ah..i take long to digest of what you have said...Originally posted by airgrinder:haha. impt thing is to enjoy the game! =)
I would like to comment "weaker the core, the more ability of the ball to snap thing."
I defined arcing as "balls accelerates, or rather maintain acceleration towards the pocket after breakpoint, in a curve-like motion"
Snap-ing - ball moves in a straight line towards pocket after the breakpoint.
The dynamic weight difference between the two extreme ends are more significant, although static weight wise, they are the same. This is a requirement by those bowling federation, and during ball drilling, the driller have to ensure the static weight of the ball is within a certain tolerance, is it's out they will drill a balance hole to compensate.
Hence for a core that is "stronger" when the ball hit the breakpoint, the stronger side of the core will exert a pull as it spins. It's like a car, heavily loaded on one side, the car will move more to the side.
And due our axis title and axis rotation that increases or lesses the effect of the core, the ball arcs to the pocket. Recall looking at the changing oil rings on the ball when it comes back to the Ball Return.
Because the dynamic weight difference between the top and bottom are lesser, the ability of the ball to arc is less. Hence a straighter ball motion.
Hope you can understand what I'm talking about, I tend to jumble up my opinions. hoho. This is my understanding on the core, but of course other factors also influences ball behaviour, like the coverstock.
Dun know how other bowler think?
hoho..Balls in my arsenal now? so now u are into kicking? supporting for arsenal? by looking at ur ball condition...guess bowling is a past to u..Originally posted by airgrinder:me used to bowl league but now quite busy so seldom bowl liao. Hoho. Balls in my arsenal now, a brunswick black ice (the bridge had cracked badly), and a pearlise tonado (i think).
Definately bowler's release influence the ball most.Originally posted by apple*:Many thanks for your explaination..ah..i take long to digest of what you have said...
Guess more or less i got what u wanted to convey...correct me if i am wrong ...
Understand abt the difference btwn strong/weaker core. like what u have said axis rotation if increases, the ball will skid n backend reaction will also increase....Just curious does the bowler influence the ball motion with their release beside the core ?
About other factor do play apart i rite to say that if a bowling ball that is pearlized is designed stay long or to go long? cos the pearlised cover will have less friction and will not axis rotate so fast so it will skid longer and snap? thanks hor..
understand..understand..Originally posted by airgrinder:Definately bowler's release influence the ball most.
Yup. Like u said, pearlised ball has a smoother surface. It's designed to go long and to stay long. The idea is to skid down the lane, to keep ball energy losses to a mininum, until it reaches the brkpoint. And all HELL will unleash!!! whahaha.
sorry, couldn't help it. keke