i am one of UaERuLeS trio. peoples who share the account silver dragon UAERules my name is called nash and i live in Dubai United Arab Emirates i can share with u my success story and how to be pro.
My history: in 2004 i am perma banned for botting in a blue dragon rank but i learn my lesson and bought over a diamon d and keep training with my buddy until i get back my silver ranking. it is hard work but it feel good.How to be High rank.1. remember the golden number is
DO NOT exceed this numbers of GP gained a day because that is auto banned. if u provide good reason GIS team will unban but there wil be record and not good.. 2999 is fine but NOT
2. Bot smart. if u want bot. get at least battle axe acc to bot your high rank as peoples wil not suspect. change rooms every 30 min or so and No ice tag. Use jewel, bunge game , cozy tower jump to bot and alternate each time but DONT exceed
3. Be pro and don miss it is skill u have to play long to get the feel. i dont need ruler and aimbot but i can shoot fairly well u just have to practice a lot for it. train boomer as it it most pro bot in non bunge non jewel..
4. get a lot of pro peoples on buddylist to train. So they can invite u. but if u are high rank peoples will sure play with u nomatter what so no worry after diamond.
5. Bunge game is the in thing it is fast GP for gamer. u can kill 2 peoples fast and get 9gp max if u kill both only require 1 min per game if pro and no lag. it is fast way of earning gp
6. do not add noob as they keep bugging for item, waste time replying to their massage and disturb u in room and lose game for you. time is gold and every second can be use to gain gp so wisely use them!!
7. Be smart for avatar choice. Best avatar set right now is ZEUS, Cheif Hair, Insect warrior body and Blue phoeniex but there are many variation for peoples to try. it is best suited for me i like it. But ZEUS and phoenix need real monet to buy them.
8. Try to gain at least 2000 GP a day as most pro ranker gain over 1700-1800 range and only way to beat them is to gain more so u can rank above them
9. Remeber basic shots like in 0 wind for boomer, 81 deg is one full screen 1 degree for 3 mobile spaces and devided equally. 3 degrees up hook and the formula for armor shot is pro
10. Be friendly and dont make enemy!! people often get upset and report innocent for nothing ang gets banned it is not worthit.
Here are some very pro screenshot by me and my buddy who shere my acc it is pro so chec k out.

I will create a gunbound forum very soon so gb fanatix can come chat and all
Ok the pro is out!
PS: sticky this thread
to make it easier to see the pix.. i was wondeirn how come gb looks like this now... 1 big chunk >.<