Originally posted by littlestream:
I saw this at the store last evening. The *ahem* copy goes for C$40 but I ain't buying 'cos I got this unlimited subscription to a legitimate video store. So, I will rent. But it's going to be a long line before I get to watch it.
With so many titles out, I ended up renting a relatively old series.
Oh dear! What a pity!

This drama is definitely worth waiting for, IMO!! I finished watching it yesterday, and even when I'm at work, the soundtrack is playing in my mind.

I even re-play certain scenes in my mind too.

Yeah... think I'm obsessed with this show!

The first episode really had this Lord of the Rings air to it! It begins with a legend involving gods and deities, with ten tons of CGI graphics added in. Almost an overkill in certain stages, but as with legends, the story gets mesmerising. There's a tragic end to the legend, and ended with the god sealing his four treasures and returning back to earth about 2000 years later.
For the next two or three episodes, we go through the childhood of the protagonists in the drama. The kiddie actors, I tell you, they all can act!! Not just pretty children, but they are great actors too!! Amazing!

Just as you grow attached to the charming kiddies, they have grown up. I still think one of the actresses do not make the grade.

Anyways, what ensues is twists in a love entanglement thing, then battles and plots and palace intrigues. Very captivating and keeps you wanting to watch till it all ends!
When you start watching this series, I'm sure you'll realise why I draw parallels between this series and the LOTR trilogy!

And oh, Bae Yong Jun is sooooooo darn handsome and charming and macho in this movie, and all the men look soooooooooo gooooooooood mmmMMmmm!! in battle gear that I find myself wishing I had been born as some pretty and intelligent princess in that era so all of them will fight to win my hand.

See what BYJ and his fellow hunks do to me?!

Siiigh... I finished watching it, but am so tempted to watch it again!