I'm planning a shopping spree in Sydney - what shops should I visit?
This website is great for listing bargain shops www.bargainshopper.com.au - I think I might just use it as my guide!
Any other suggestions?
which area of sydney you going to? Northern/ eastern/western/southern suburbs? or just in the city?
ya .. cause there are many places to buy stuff. But if you want like megamalls and stuff, id recommend you go to westfield. There are many westfield outlets.. just pick one close to where you intend to stay.
Yeah, I have a Westfield near me... Maybe I'll go to DFO or Birkenhead Point, or even Paddington (though I don't expect as many bargains there ;)
i would suggest you go see the sights..
buying things comes a poor poor third after seeing and experiencing the sights and indulging in the local cuisine...
Originally posted by Bargain Guru:Yeah, I have a Westfield near me... Maybe I'll go to DFO or Birkenhead Point, or even Paddington (though I don't expect as many bargains there ;)
waaaaaaaaah seh. go paddington becareful..
over there is for foreigners... soo... better watch the prices carefully.
ya.. if not careful can tio cheated by china ah peks and aunties. hahaha..
Yep. ive been to Birkenhead pt before, they sell branded goods, but its factory outlet stuff.
Expensive stuff like David Jones clothings are for sale there. Probably about half the price. id say approx $200-$300 per piece on avg, as compared to in stores, they'll go for $500++.
Nevertheless, enjoy your stay in Sydney!