The one and only SG govt......... : ) that will think of this combo ..... Never thought they will combine the 2. to connect with SG.
Anyway i am sure Singaporean who attended this event can contribute some feedback............hope the hard tack brings back memories......!
full article can be found in mindef web site.....
Overseas Singaporeans get slice of military life
To engage National Servicemen (NSmen) residing overseas, the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) held an exhibition to showcase advanced training systems in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF).
This was part of Singapore Day 09, held in London's Hampton Court Palace on 25 Apr, which saw a turnout of more than 12,000 Singaporeans who came from all over Europe, including Britain, France, Holland and Italy.
The Electronic Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT) Scoring System (ELISS) set up by MINDEF, complete with chin-up, sit-up and standing broad jump stations, was a draw for many young men keen to test their physical capabilities. Overseas NSmen who had yet to experience the electronic conduct of the IPPT also tried their hands at the stations.
Visitors also had fun with an interactive computer simulation training programme, called Virtual Battlespace 2, and enjoyed a taste of field of rations at a Mobile Field Kitchen.
I guess in future Singapore days will be IPPT day too........: )
next one in shanghai i heard.. hehe.. i can go.... but...the queue will be fcuking long.. sianz 1/2
they so sure overseas reservists will still want to come back to do reservist in camp training or take the annual ippt meh...
hey it kill 2 birds with 1 stone....So that oversea students are not being alienate from SAF and it is easier to adjust back when they return to Singapore.
Hmm....lets see..those on govt, saf scholarship must report....he he he.....2nd Exit Permit holder must report too.....I think that cover 90% of SGrean under 40 yrs old.
Maybe doing IPPT on a Singapore day is much more relaxing.....less stress.