Living in Sg is not the same overseas.
Do give ideas of how you use your drinking water.
Sis family has a brita water jug which they refill and place in the fridge to slow down mould growing in the jug.
Fren in Seattle has a brita jug and a brita water container at home. the new method is to take the water from the tap with the brita jug, then pour into a kettle to boil, then to pour the boiled water into another brita container in the fridge.
In Phuket Thailand, I've experienced us having to have a big water tank onto a bathroom roof that holds filtered water.
We also buy water from trucks that is delivering water.
The family does not dare to use the normal tap water or even the big tank filtered water for consumption.
The big tank filtered water from the tap, and its used for laundry, shower, washing the dishes and watering the plant.
I use a Brita jug too. The cartridge is replaced monthly and I consume around 1- 2 jugs per day for drinking and cooking. I too pour the filtered water into the kettle but only when I need to make a hot drink.
i use a brita jug as well. i bought it 3 weeks ago at bunnings for $24. came with 3 free filters.
i am not overly convinced though as i still keep a separate jug for boiled water, just in case. i have been drinking off the brita jug since then.
as for the brita jug, i just fill it directly off the tap. i am not sure if that is the right thing to so.....
The municipal water supply in my suburb meets the standards set by the MN Dept. of Health for human consumption. The water is, however, sourced from an aquifer and is extremely "hard" (i.e., laden with dissolved minerals); most households here typically run the incoming water through an ion-exchange resin water softener to remove the minerals and improve the taste.
I have no problem with occasionally drinking the water straight from the tap, but like others here, I keep a Brita water filter jug in the fridge as my primary source of water for drinking and cooking.
i have no complaint for either Brita Jug or open tabs. so long as it is clear water.
I had stayed in a country where the morning taps water was yellowish in color n It took a few minutes to have the courage to rinse my mouth. Although i prefer flowing water from water fall as water are cleaner.
Well, I was up at Whistler Mountain, at its tops during a break from Skiing.
When I took a glass of water, it was so chalky in colour. Until the instructor tells me that the water is aerated, thats why it looks milky.
It eventually turns to a clear some bubbles still in the water.
Why is mountain top water aerated?
Originally posted by viciouskitty74:Well, I was up at Whistler Mountain, at its tops during a break from Skiing.
When I took a glass of water, it was so chalky in colour. Until the instructor tells me that the water is aerated, thats why it looks milky.
It eventually turns to a clear some bubbles still in the water.
Why is mountain top water aerated?
Usually u see that in hotels so it may not be the mountain but the hotel you are staying in.