ever felt as though you just don't belong to any place...??
i'm like...a second class citizen no matter where i go.
i look chinese.but if i were to go to PRC/Taiwan/Hongkong, I'm 'not Chinese enough'. And for some reason, of all the places i've gotten, no one has ever asked if i'm from any of those places anyway...
In Canada, I....probably could fit in if i were in Vancouver of Toronto hahaha. but...i don't FEEL canadian. i feel like i don't belong here. i don't feel like it's home at all. i feel like a foreigner. yet i'm not supposed to be one...?????!!! (and yah, like what someone in high school once said 'how's she canadian if she's chinese?' it was a harmless ignorant remark and he did apologize. but let's face it. what he said WAS SO TRUE)
and in Singapore, the teachers loved to pass around a stack of papers with lots of everyboday's personal information including place of birth and citizenship etc. and soon enough, the whole class knows im not singaporean and so i've always been treated as an outsider too.
i'm just...feeling really out of place recently. like...i can't find any place to go where i'll feel like i'm a part of it.
i feel like going somewhere where i can be a PROPER foreigner. somewhere where i won't look like the majority. won't speak like the majority. and where i have the right to feel foreign......some place...idk..........i'm just...so sick and tired of 'fitting in but not quite fitting in some how'...
idk........i just needed to let it out even though i know most of you won't get it. and i'll probably be getting the usual 'spoilt/rich brat' and 'learn to appreciate what you have' comments....yah. if only it was so simple.....
Have you considered returning to Singapore as an FT? The general concensus appears to be that the Singapore government treats foreigners exceedingly better than native-born Singaporeans.
Originally posted by Meia Gisborn:Have you considered returning to Singapore as an FT? The general concensus appears to be that the Singapore government treats foreigners exceedingly better than native-born Singaporeans.
That is extremely true.... I can vouch for that.. Seeing it up close and personal everyday
Poor Udon.... I can understand how that feels.... as I am in the same situation.
I am a Malaysian citizen but I was born and grew up in Brunei. So, I have always lived my life as a foreigner even now in Australia, I am only a PR.
When I first arrived in Australia, it's hard for me to blend in with the overseas students as there were hardly anyone from Brunei and people tend to stick with people coming from the same country. That forced me to blend in with the local... which I think that's one of the best things that had happened to me.
You get to learn so much about these people and their culture and I even end up with an Australian husband.
Just be yourself. True friends will always accept you as you are. It's the difference culture in people we meet that made our lives and relationship more interesting.
Ahh you see this is the result of society's placing chief emphasis on 'fitting in', 'social integration' a 'sense of belonging', 'social harmony' etc. What you get is a cultureless identityless Singapore we have today.
Why does it matter whether you fit in or not? If all the societies in the world don't share your interest and passion, what then? Do you abandon your values?
If you would just try to embrace a more open point of view of individualism, you'll probably find, as i have, that living by yourself is actually exhilarating. It'll probably be hard for you though, seeing what you have written, judging just about every place in terms of fitting in or not.
By the way what i'm advocating is not isolating yourself from the world but to just not place such a high emphasis on belonging, and fitting in
know exactly what u talks about. When we were back in SG. We were asked if we were local?
But ultimately it is not about where you fit in is where u want to be.
i hear u udon.......hopefully when r u done with school, u will move to toronto? we no hab this prob or at least if we do, it's pretty transparent. *hugz hugz* come, come....i dedicate this to you, k
edit: changed link....more appropriate for how u r feeling. :)
Stay happy udonny~~ =)
me want to say something nasty
You're a citizen of the world
Cheer up, fellow Earthling. Nationality doesn't matter
haha relax man.. I think you cannot blend in so well because you are not too singaporean and not too canadian. I believe you will overcome this problem if you stay in one place long enough. I got some PRC friends here in Singapore, they came here when they are about 12, 13 years old.. and now they are really behaving like any typical Singaporean, i cannot really tell the difference unless you know them from the start. Don't worry too much about your problem. If my PRC friends here can adapt so well, why can't you? : )