me is stil eatin nw.
Originally posted by littlestream:ser mo lai de?
anyways, hai mei you. :lol:
damn... such a popular number and you don't have any idea....
Originally posted by pigsticker:damn... such a popular number and you don't have any idea....
oei...hello.......i don't live there leh, how i know neh? :lol:
have you............
get on the PC intending to do schoolwork but instead surfs sgf and plays mousehunt?
turn on computer to do reading.
end up playing games for 4 hours :x
holy smokes.........played games for FOUR hours? hey not fair. i've sent you numerous games application, u didn't play wif me neh. *sobs*
not those leh.
i play stuff like chuzzle and insaniquarium....><
i like aquarium leh..........
the game...???
or you just keeping fishies...? =P
the game is ok initially. but after a while, it gets boring and draggy =\
have you ever been stuck in an elevator...?? =P
i've never. and i don't think i ever want to be...><
have you ever wake up to your hair all standing in different direction cos of static? Cos the weather is too dry?
bad hair day.
how do you think he feels?
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