Folks in California Grunion Runs start tonight. Please check for web site for schedule. Have fun catching fish.
Some info on Grunion.
Grunion are the object of a unique recreational fishery. These fish are famous for their spawning behavior that is so remarkable that it evokes an "I don't believe it" response from someone who hears about it for the first time.
Grunion leave the water at night to spawn on the beach in the spring and summer months for four consecutive nights starting the nights of the full and new moons. Spawning begins after high tide and continues for several hours. As a wave breaks on the beach, grunion swim as far up the slope as possible. The female arches her body and excavates the semifluid sand with her tail to create a nest. She twists her body and digs until she is half buried in the sand with her head sticking up. She then deposits her eggs in the nest. Males curve around the female and release milt. The milt flows down the female's body until it reaches and fertilizes the eggs. As many as eight males may fertilize the eggs in a nest. After spawning, the males immediately retreat toward the water while the female twists free and returns with the next wave. While spawning may take only 30 seconds, some fish remain stranded on the beach for several minutes.
are they nice to eat ? ....
Ai yah i think u can eat it in Japanese resturant in SG - Grill Pregnant fish.
I deep fried it and put it in the oven to bake.
The fish came to shore the nights after full moon for 3 nights and 1 day after New Moon for 3 nights.
they came to shore about 10"45p.m when i was there. we waited for the beach to be filled with fish before charging down with our hands n knees.
y u dare to eat dat.
yeah remember in SG during chinese new year the market sell those white stomach (Pek Toh) Rabbit fish.....well this is much smaller version of it. 5 to 6" in length. Its a good finger food before meal.
Originally posted by Arapahoe:Ai yah i think u can eat it in Japanese resturant in SG - Grill Pregnant fish.
I deep fried it and put it in the oven to bake.
The fish came to shore the nights after full moon for 3 nights and 1 day after New Moon for 3 nights.
they came to shore about 10"45p.m when i was there. we waited for the beach to be filled with fish before charging down with our hands n knees.
you mean that's ....SHISHAMO ? ....
WOOTS !!!!!! ......
yeah but i think slightly different species, shishamo is smaller. Its more fun to see it.