(CNN) – Hillary Clinton became teary-eyed during an event at Yale University Monday — a moment that harkened back to her much talked-about display of emotion on the eve of the New Hampshire Primary
i think she is getting good at it and so natural in her response.
sign!!! looks like California is going for hilary....
super delegates to make the final decision for democrats.
now, who has to give who beer if who wins....????
Ben1406 looks like you don't have to pack up and move to Mars yet!! it seemed that Obama is catching up real good.
At this rate i am supposed to get my cebaza
Originally posted by udontknowme:now, who has to give who beer if who wins....????
I'll give you as much beer as you want if Ross Perot wins!
Originally posted by udontknowme:now, who has to give who beer if who wins....????
I have to send Arapahoe some beer if Obama wins .......
tis alright ... McCain may knock him out yet if Clinton fails to ...
I am hearing this theory that is coming out from NBC political commentator not sure if this is true.
It seemed that within conservative Republican Party members, would like Hillary to Win the nomination and the Presidency over McCain.
While Hillary will go into the white house not having a house fully supported. Given her a lamed duck. And Republican will try to win back the control of The House in mid term election.
If McCain Win the Presidency, Democrats win the complete house during mid term election this would allow Democrats to have full control of the House till 2012.
The republican conservative lobby doesn't want democrats to stay in the house. So they rather cut off Presidency for now to gain back the house.
The Democrats supper Delegates might end up deciding Hillary to win the Primaries. So its not the end till it is the End.
I am not sure if it is a wise tactical move to change campaign manager in this late stage of primary.
Clinton deputy campaign manager quits
Departure is latest shake-up amid string of primary losses
Obama 10
Hilary 0
I think he is unstopperable.
here is a fair question.
Does Obama supporters willing to compromise on Hillary?
i wonder if Hiliary lost the primary is she going to devioce Bill? I heard that Bill said something stupid again.
I don't like any of the top three candidates. I will probably hold my nose and vote for John McCain.
there is this fear that young and independent voters would not come out and vote during election as all the excitment sizzy off. and McCain will win.
what if Al Gore came out running after the primaries and get nominated during the convention. That will be a run off.
support hillary. that way, you can vote 1 get 1 free. I am serious. An experienced Bill-Clinton is way better than an unexperienced obama.
and don't forget, bill clinton has done quite a decent job in managing the global economy during his administration, with the only scandal being that off his fling with monica lewinsky.
Obama on the other hand is unexperienced, with his policies vaguely defined. in the face of the current recession crisis, i don't think he will be up to task.
I'm sure people don't want a president who will screw up their livelihood.
McCain would have the most experience. He was already serving his
country when Bill Clinton was still a kid evading military service
while his country was at war.
I'm not a big fan of John McCain
but please remember that Bill Clinton was instrumental in giving North
Korea a nuclear reactor. Look how well that turned out. God only knows
what his chicken hawk wife would do if elected. Other than raise taxes
of course.
Personally I hope that Mrs.Clinton gets the
nomination. Since the Republican party is not running an actual
conservative. Mrs.Clinton would be the only thing that could motivate
Republicans to get out and vote.
Barrack Hussein Obama is an excellent public speaker but I'm afraid of a zealot from an extremist Christian church trying to fix our slowing economy by giving us the largest tax increase since WWII.
The way things are going I'm seriously considering circualting a petition to get Homer Simpson on the ballot (sigh).
You are right i think McCain Fair better than Hiliary in terms of Foreign policy experience.
At this point i do believe a Democrats will sit in the white house. Democrats have a better social friendlier policy. I think Obama will most likely win the nomination by the numbers, AT the end of the day I do not think that American public want to see Bill Clinton back in the white house. I got a feeling that most superdelegates want to break the cycle of Bush, Clinton, Bush Clinton cycle. When it comes general election people might serious think about this unusal cycle in American politics. A very clear message kept coming out from this primary is that all the Bill's people is switching to Obama. That might be a message
Hiliary is going into the white house with lots of liabilities that seemed to continue from Bill. The republican would actually like Hiliary to Win and hope to win back the house in the Mid term. Than Hiliary would be a lame duck.
oh i might just want to add i think the democrats screw up they should have put 2 female candidates on the primary ballot. Rather than a single female and a single black candidates.
If Senator McCain chooses Dr.Condoleezza Rice as his running mate. I think that he will give the Democrats a run for their money.
Originally posted by Eddie Lee:If Senator McCain chooses Dr.Condoleezza Rice as his running mate. I think that he will give the Democrats a run for their money.
i would not be surprise if Liberman is going to be his running mate.
(CNN) — As Barack Obama seems to be struggling with ‘bitter’ baggage, a ‘trust gap’ continues to dog Hillary Clinton – in Indiana, just 54 percent of Democratic primary voters said she was “honest and trustworthy” in early exit polls; 66 percent said Obama could be trusted.
I find the above response strange it show that voters vote base on gender and race.
Obama claims he has visited 57 states during his campaign:
This clown's a joke, and a bad one at that.
well he is mostly to be nominated. and most likely to be the President.
looks like Dem Primary will officially End this coming Tuesday. I had enjoyed the series. It was Teary, Racial and Sexsim overtone, Under Sniper fire, God Dam America, assination of Robert Kennedy the hold 9 yard. I thought it deserved an Accademy award.
Hollywood screen writers could not have come up with such entertaining script.