For those in England, Channel 4 has a programme on the future of the UK's transport system. Anyway, the programme went to Singapore to look at what is termed one of the toughest road management system in the world IE COE and ERP.
Anyway, some LTA spokesman came on and started explaining the ERP system. And would you believe it... Channel 4 used subtitles when the spokesman spoke!
On a more serious note, I freiquently wonder why people have so little awareness of how they come across in the media. Knowing that this is for foreign consumption, the LTA could at least have used a more eloquent and media-saavy spokesperson.
Anyone who has experience of dealing with foreigners know that although Singaporeans speak gramatically passable english, people have problems understanding us because we tend to rush our sentences instead of taking the time to properly enunciate.
Top Tip to the LTA: Speak slowly next time. Dun xia suay singaporeans!
Singaporean in general are rarely self aware of how they project themselve. They don't see that at some point they are in a position where the world would listen.
Take LHL for example did u watch his interview with CNN.....talks about sloppy joe. at least GCK and LKY has better projection of their persona.