Originally posted by mochou:
Live alone, so must do all the chores myself.
Washing clothes, i wait till weekend i will wash 2 times, both time the washing machine is full, lol. One round light color, one round dark color.
Cleaning house, eh...... when it reach the stage i feel it's too dirty, i will clean.
On eating, well, try to tell yourself cooking is fun, not just for cooking something to eat, it's an activity. Bcos everyday eat outside, either it's very expensive on a long run, or you need to cheap junk everyday.
Be able to make friend with anyone, though the background culture may be very different. If you dont make new friends, you are going to be very lonely.
If you are in a country poorer than Singapore. Be aware of the girls. You can flirt around with them, but don't let them stick to you. They look at you differently, in poorer places, the girls always think foreigners are richer than most local guys(and it's somehow true too). Many of them will want to make you belong to them.
so are you based out of singapore now?