Originally posted by Arapahoe:
sorry to hear that. but the police is probably right on writing it off. move on.
Dunno how crime stats are reported in Fatum's neck of the woods, but over here, it goes something like this:
Your unattended vehicle gets broken into, and you report it to the cops. The cops say that since it was a non-violent crime with no injuries, they can't be bothered to assign limited resources to investigate it. Since the break-in wasn't investigated, it doesn't get counted as a crime, and is therefore not included in the municipality's crime stats. Criminal activity is consequently
underreported, and the police chief and his henchmen hiding behind badges and guns get fat bonuses from City Hall for "keeping the crime rate down" in the city.
In the meantime, the police are busy writing tickets and issuing citations for petty infractions in order to maintain the steady flow of revenue into the city's coffers--a much more profitable proposition than doing time-consuming and costly investigative work.