Originally posted by GameGoddess:
Chicken feet?! G-r-o-s-s.
We don't know what knid of crap the chicken's stepped on and it's probably impossible to clean off the crap from every crevice of the chicken's feet unless you're cooking at home and you *know*.
Right in the catergory of :
- Sea cucumber (A lumpy sea animal that crawls on the ground and feeds on the poo of other sea creatures. The toilet cleaner of the sea!)
- Curdled animals' blood (Be they pig's blood, monkey's blood, chicken's blood. Just Ew.)
- Ketchup on watermelons (YES! My friend actually eats it that way! NO NO NO FRICKIN WAY!)
- Sotong (Maybe i've eaten bad sotong in my past life. But it's so rubbery and fishy.)
actually hor ...
for chicken feet, you'd peel off a layer of thick, scaly yellow skin off the feet before you prepare them ... the skin that you eat have never touched the ground before ...
that's why it's so good ...