not only tat, sg still has the SPGs n westerner worshipping ppl....
If singaporeans treat their own kind bad, its understandable. If singaporeans treat ang mors good, its also understandable. Get my drift?
i disagree, i've stayed in singapore all my life, and i've been in usa for the past 9 months since last dec, no shocks at all =).
u know how ppl in sg suck up to ang mohs and we always think they're all mighty and hardworking ? i always thought they were hardworkers but noooo ! in fact, after being here for quite sometime already, i find em damm bloody lazy & very sq minded !
thats just me...
I find some of them very rude and inconsiderate. For example, refer to my thread about students putting their legs up on the table during lectures. Maybe for them this is normal, but for me, it is preposterous
But there are some who are nice tho
the angmo here have wierd ways to queue... eg. at MacD or supermarkets theres many seperatecounters to queue but the have to form 1 long queue...