Originally posted by earthlings73:
Quoted from Gasband
I agree that homosexuality must not be looked at as a mental disorder. It is not.
But I do not agree that Homosexuality is innate and genetic from birth. To say that a trait is genetic from birth, it means that we are saying that there is such a single gene that is so 'huge' that it can dictate the sexual preference of a person from birth. To say this, it means even before birth, the scientists would be able to look at genes of the foetus and say, "hey he or she is gonna be a homsexual". But so far, no research has been able to say that homosexuality is a genetic caused behaviour. Having said that, I am not saying that homosexuality is entirely not of genetics, it does play a part but there are many other factors like family, environment that could have played a bigger part. The crux is that, are there any research that can 100% says that it genetic?
First of all, I admit that this is the general position at this moment. A gay gene could not be found yet...
However, I believe genetics should be differentiated from whether something is innate... To decide whether something is innate, we have to look at genetics, biological factors, etc...
In a recent study, some researchers even suggested that the "environmental factor" can be found in how the foetus react to the mother's body (but I must admit that the article is a bit pro-nature).
I gotta rush out to do some stuff... Will post the article later...