Used a bit and less than 3 mins...both my legs inflamed! wth!
try braun epilator
legs on fire, use fire extinguisher
ok i will try that next time... damn it i tested a bit but that section was ok...stupid man!
but which one is good? i'm looking at it now
this one
si kopi.....
this seems cooler
depends on how much u willing to spend on it
ranges from S$30+ to $100+
for beginners, u can try the pink one
ook...thanks fifi =)
seems like the aus price is about 60+ till 100+
Try spraying liquid nitrogen.
Can i spray on you then break you into pieces?
why not just use scotch tape...
Originally posted by The man who was death:why not just use scotch tape...
I don't think its effective....maybe masking tape....but the pores >.<
wax strips oso can
if ur pain threshold is bery high.....
Originally posted by fairlady_xoxo:Can i spray on you then break you into pieces?
You ask for fast and effective relief mah, never ask for safety... Not my fault right?
*goes back to design drawing board*
Originally posted by FireIce:wax strips oso can
if ur pain threshold is bery high.....
Hmmm but the wax strips i think its no point because they sell in small packs...i dun think i'll dare to pull it out...
but then, ur legs will be red like cooked lobster legs later
and ur neighbours may call the police cos they suspect someone being murdered next door
hahaha....ya lor....i seriously wonder how ladies can get resistant to bikini really baffles me....
me no understand this topic
About leg hair