best excuse.
The board's spokesman told The New Paper: 'The claims that were not processed were cases where the family members of the deceased had not come forward to make the claim on the Dependants' Protection Scheme or Home Protection Scheme.
as long you din make claim, they will never pay you.
When the board became aware of the members' deaths later through checks made by us, we tried contacting the family members. However, some cases remained outstanding as the family members could not be contacted or did not respond.'
how long it take them to notice? oni when happen, if no one ask about it... when will the when be?
can not be contacted or no respond? ain't it funny? how big is SG anyway?
BUT if you din pay them, they will find and make a contact with you anywhere, anytime.
To pay out an insurance claim, the board needs a death certificate.
and all GOV agencies are in-ter link which make them the best in the region. cannot print out from printer or they dun have one or they were never link at all? which is which now?
The spokesman said: 'We were unable to process the claims for cases where the family members did not provide the death certificates or could not be contacted.'
what they are trying to say is "when come to pay back to ppl, we makes things hard for them in hope that they will give up the tot of taking any back.
so i am a moderator now.
congratulate myself!!!
Oh no, this is worst than being in a third world country