Druwang Khenchen norbu rinpoche is a realised master who depend on Mani Recitation to attain highest state of realisation
Druwang Rinpoche has highly realized Mahamudra and is known for going to town and singing spiritual songs like Milarepa. Sometimes he offers a song of inner spiritual realization to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and their Holinesses the Drikung Kyabgons, and other high lamas. There are many great teachers who are in retreat in Tibet and India attaining their goals. His Holiness Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche has established the Drikung Kagyu Institute, JangChubling, in Dehra Dun, Northern India. There are many monks attending school there and many engaged in the three year retreat. His Holiness travels to the many Drikung monasteries in Ladakh, India and Nepal, giving extensive teachings to monks, nuns, and lay people from the east and from the west.