Suddenly remember all these place which used to be Fav Place for Teens in years ago.. Anyone remember ? Haa...
Sparks- Well...this disco only have nite-disc and very difficult to get into it! The bouncers are very strict and check your ICs! The people inside are more grunch and rich and less trouble makers!
Fire- It was once the Hottest Disco in town! Use to have tea-dance,nite disc. Now dnt even noe if it's around nt.

Marina Square / South - Canto Tea-Dance. Can drink bubble tea and always with chio lians and yandao kias there for u to see.
Suntec City- Walking distance from Marina Square. Top storey of Suntec City got a garden lians and bengs par tok !
Takashimaya - A lot of students hang around there during weekdays!
Parklane- Cheap arcarde and nice place for billard! Haa.. lots of ah bengs and lians too.. wahaha...
Jurong Entertainment Centre - Dangerous place!Someone killed there b4! But got Ice-skating ring and arcade. " me young time never went before"

Bugis- Another good place to go after those Canto tea-dance. Got arcade and billard oso!
Kallang Leisure- Got arcade, ice skating, roller-disco! !
Far East Plaza- Got arcade, good place to shop for grunch kids in those days.

Old lians and Old bengs.. wooo...