I was driving along bukit timah road on the early morning. It is three lane road and I was driving on the second road and intend to change lane to the first lane. After checking carefully, there was no car on my right. I was almost finishing the changing, and a car hit on the rear right (including side) portion of my car. I was told that I was responsible for the accident 100% by the insurrence agent.
I still think that the other side should be responsible for the accident. Can anyone give me advice? Your suggestion would be appreciated greatly.
From my understanding, as long as your car is not fully in the desired lane on the onset of the collision, the liability will be on yr part fully. I have gotten the info from an adjuster in car insurance trade. Thats why some bad drivers will just whack when you are changing lanes as they know this piece very well, esp some of your publictransporters in blue,red yellow and black.Sorry to hear bout this but really have to careful. Be thankful u r fine.