Warranty by optima werkz
After 1 month the start to have some issue, called kruise auto they ask me to sent to optima werkz.
Sent in immediately and was handle by Sky after few hours of checking they called me up and tell me the parts damage is not under warranty and requires to pay.
Reluctantly we proceed and I paid
1 month later the car have similar problem. Called kruise auto again and they ask me to go back optima. So no choice since my car is under the warranty I have to go back if not the warranty will be void.
I went back look for sky and he immediately told me its wear and tear not covered under warranty
I was pissed off cos he have not even checked
So I ask him to check what is wrong and let me know
7 hours later they called me up to pick up the car so I went
And was slap with a $1800 bills
I argue with sky as he have not quoted me and go ahead with the repair
I refuse to pay and he threaten not to release the car. We argue for 20 mins and he told me " since you drive a bmw and got no money to pay then out of good will I will discount $300 for you"
I was very angry I went to the counter paid the full sums $1800 and I went off
Its not about the money but its the principle.
I called kruise auto to complaint about the issue and I want to change warranty company but I was brush away by the sales manager
I know I have bought a lemon and now I understand how this whole deals work
Maybe it just that I'm very fussy
But I feel I should tell you guys and you guys can gauge if its me or its the dealer or if its the workshop
Hope you guys dun encounter anything like me when u buy a car