Dec 4
COE premiums close mostly higher at the latest bidding exercise. Cat A: $74,002. Cat B: $75,700. Open Cat: $77,501.
bloody hell, that's still 150% of the total cost of my car!
If you buy a bigger car, the % will drop.
Big car coe also 73K.
Certificate of Entitlement (COE) quotas will be announced every three months instead of six, said the Land Transport Authority on Monday.
This was done with the aim of making the supply of COEs more responsive to the market and de-registrations, it said. It had contemplated quarterly-recycling periods as early as 2010, but felt that such a change would be too drastic.
In its update, LTA also said there will be 717 COEs a month for cars up to 1,600cc and 130bhp – fewer than the previous monthly supply -- for the quota period February to April this year.
For Open COEs, which can be used for any vehicle type but ends up mainly for bigger cars, supply will drop sharply from 522 to 382 a month.
In total, 9,127 COEs will be issued for the period of February to April.
Latest COE prices announced last week ranged between S$70,000 to S$80,000 for small and big cars.
COE premiums close generally mixed at the latest bidding exercise. Cat A: $71,564. Cat B: $75,300. Open Cat: $77,003.
still ard the 7xk range...
Thought they reducing coes?
So prices should rise soon because of less coes available.
#COE premiums end generally higher at latest bidding exercise. Cat A: $77,201. Cat B: $78,604. Open Cat: $79,000.
19 March
COE premiums close mostly higher at the latest bidding exercise. Cat A: $78,602. Cat B: $82,900. Open Cat: $84,001.
good one.. just the COE is still 150% of what i paid for my old car
SINGAPORE – Certificate of Entitlement (COE) premiums for big and small cars fell today (June 4) in the third bidding exercise since the increased COE quota, as premiums rose in other categories.
The premiums for small cars (up to 1,600cc and 97kW) fell 3.8 per cent to S$63,190 from S$65,689 in the last bidding exercise two weeks ago. Bids in this category went above 1,000 for the first time since March last year.
Premiums for big cars (above 1,600cc and 97kW) fell 1.2 per cent to S$67,304 from S$68,103. This is the fourth consecutive fall in premiums for COEs in this category.
For goods vehicles and buses, premiums rose to S$43,001, an increase of 5.2 per cent from S$40,889.
Motorcycle premiums closed at S$4,089, a 2.1 per cent increase from S$4,003 in the last exercise.
As for the Open category, where COEs can be used for any vehicle type but end up being used mainly for cars, premiums closed at S$67,334, an increase of less than 0.1 per cent from S$67,290 in the previous bidding exercise.
Sorry out of topic but i need HELP.
Caught with an accident today kns taxi jam brake and i kiss the back of the cab accidentally. VERY MINOR scratches on both my car and his cab. May i know how the procedure etc? We make private agreement written on a small piece of paper saying that no claims is going to made by him unless anything happen to the back of his cab. We both sign the paper. He take down my ic and phone number but i damn panic (first time kena accident and i p plate some more fml) just take pic of his cab and my car. Read some forum online they kena super ialat fine eventho minor accidents with cab. So how? Help me please :(
COE prices closed mixed at latest bidding exercise. Cat A: $64,900 Cat B: $70,890 Cat C: $63,701 Cat D: $4,290 Cat E: $71,300
will go up further
SINGAPORE — Certificate of Entitlement (COE) premiums closed mixed today (Dec 3) in the latest bidding exercise.
Premiums for Category A (up to 1,600cc and 97kW) fell slightly to S$67,089, from S$67,889 in the previous exercise.
Premiums for Category B (above 1,600cc and 97kW) went up to S$74,389, from S$72,890.
In the open category, COE premiums rose to S$76,904, from S$73,900.
Motorcycle premiums also saw an increase from S$4,189 in the previous bidding exercise to S$4,210.
COE premiums for commercial vehicles, which include goods vehicles and buses, dropped to S$60,001, from S$65,001.