General Enquiries
Where can I apply for an International Driving Permit?
You can apply for your International Driving Licence at the Automobile Association of Singapore (AAS) at 336, River Valley Road. For enquiries, please call (AAS) at tel no: 6737 2444.
Where can I obtain a Class 4 and Class 5 Driving Licence?
You may call the Jurong Test Centre at 6261 3236.
Automatic Transmission Vehicle (ATV) Test
Will the theory tests for Class 3 and Class 3A be different?
The Basic and Final Theory Tests are the same for both ATV and MTV learners.
Can I drive an ATV if I have a Class 3 licence?
Yes. A Class 3 licence will allow you to drive both MTVs and ATVs legally.
Can I drive a MTV with a Class 3A licence?
No. You will need to undergo a practical test in an MTV to ensure that
you are able to handle an MTV and drive on the road on an MTV. The fee
for the practical test is $20.
Can I apply for a taxi-driver's job or other jobs requiring vocational licences with my Class 3A licence?
No. You have to follow the regulations as stipulated by LTA when applying for vocational licences. They require a Class 3 licence.
I have a Class 3A licence. How do I get a Class 3 driving licence?
You need to apply for the Class 3 practical test, which is essentially a driving test using an MTV.
What documents must I bring along for my practical test?
You will have to produce your identity card or passport, test fee
receipt and the car insurance certificate [for student of Private
Driving Instructors (PDIs)].
When can foreign ATV licence-holders convert their licences to Class 3A licences?
One can convert his or her foreign ATV licence to a Class 3A licence from 1 Sept 04 onwards by passing the basic theory test and presenting
the necessary documents to facilitate the conversion. No practical
driving test is needed. However, foreign licence holders are required to meet certain Traffic Police stipulated requirements before they can be issued with the new licence.
What is the advantage of going through the ATV-only training lessons?
It is for those who are certain that they would only be driving ATVs after acquiring a driving licence, as more time would be spent on training you on the features peculiar to ATVs.
Are there any countries that have implemented this scheme successfully?
Yes. Countries like the US, UK, Switzerland, Sweden, France, Korea, and Australia have implemented similar schemes.
I have a Class 3A licence. How long must I wait before I can apply and take a Class 3 practical test?
You can apply for a Class 3 practical test as soon as you have obtained your Class 3A licence.
If I have a Class 3A licence, can I drive cars that are using clutchless manual transmissions e.g. Alfa Romeo's selespeed, Opel's easytronic etc?
Yes. As long as there is no need to physically operate a clutch pedal,
the vehicle is deemed to be an Automatic Transmission Vehicle for the
purpose of the Class 3A.
What are the offences and penalties for driving an MTV with a Class 3A licence?
The offender will be charged for driving without a valid driving licence and may be fined up to $1,000 or jailed up to 3 months for the first
conviction. He will also be charged for driving without valid insurance
coverage and can be fined up to $1,000 or jailed up to 3 months, or
both. He will also be disqualified from driving for at least 12 months.
Can current Class 3 licence holders take ATV training lessons if they wish to?
Yes. He can opt to attend an ATV familiarisation course. CDC has our own ATV familiarisation course packages, which may be tailored to the learner's individual needs and requests.
If I pass my Class 3 practical test recently but have a Class 3A licence for a year or more, am I under probation?
Yes, you are under probation. This means your Class 3 licence may be revoked if you obtained 13 or more demerit points during the year of probation.
If I pass my Class 3 practical test within one year from the date I got my Class 3A licence, do I need to display a probationary plate?
Yes. You will need to display the probationary plate as long as you are still under Class 3A's probation period. When your Class 3A's probation period is over, you need not display the P-plate. However,
you will still be subject to the 13-demerit point rule under your new
Class 3's probation period.
If I get 13 or more demerit points while under probation and I have both Class 3A and Class 3 licences, which licence would be revoked?
Only the licence that is still under probation will be revoked. Therefore, if only your Class 3 licence is under probation while your Class 3A has passed its probation period, only your Class 3 licence will be revoked. If both your Class 3A and Class 3 licences are under probation, both will be revoked at the same time.
Do I need to get a new Provisional Driving Licence (PDL) when I sit for my Class 3 practical test?
It depends. Class 3 PDL covers both Class 3 and Class 3A vehicles under the law and is valid for 6 months at one go. You can continue to use the PDL if it has not expired at the time you are taking the Class 3 practical test. Otherwise, you will have to apply or renew your PDL at $25/- at any of the driving schools.
Am I required to take Class 3 course lessons before I can sit for a Class 3 practical test?
You are not legally required to take the Class 3 course lessons. You
are only legally required to pass the practical test to prove your
competence. However, you may be required to go through the entire Class 3
course syllabus to ascertain your competency level so as to ensure that
you are adequately competent to use our vehicle for the test. The
progress of the lessons will be subjected to the learner's performance.
Can I use my own private vehicle for the Class 3 practical test?
No. Cars used for instructional and testing purposes have to be insured for training and testing and must be approved by LTA.
If I am undergoing MTV training currently, can I switch to ATV training?
You are encouraged to continue with your current training lessons.
However you can check with your driving instructor if it's appropriate
for you to switch to ATV training as the change may disrupt your
learning schedule.
If I had earlier booked for a date for MTV test, can I switch later for ATV test?
Driver learners should advise to approach the customer service officers for any changes.
Can I apply for a Class 4A driving licence if I have a Class 3A licence?
You need a Class 3 licence.
Can I sit for a Class 3A practical test even if I already have a Class 3 licence?
There is no need to take the test. You may opt instead for an ATV familiarisation course available at the driving centres.
Can I book Class 3 and Class 3A practical tests concurrently at the same driving centre but for different dates?
This will push up the waiting time for other candidates. You will deny other candidates the chance to have earlier tests.
Can I book Class 3 and Class 3A practical tests concurrently at different driving centres?
No. Students are not allowed to book for two tests at one go regardless of whether it is done in the same driving centre or not.
Motorcar - Class 3 / 3A
What is the minimum age to start learning how to drive?
Under the Road Traffic Act, you have to be at least 18 years old (based on date of birth) before you can drive a motorcar.
What is the minimum requirement for enrolment in Class 3 / 3A course?
What documents should I bring along for my enrolment?
What are the modes of payment accepted by CDC?
I have enrolled successfully but what is my LearnerID and Password?
If you are a CDC learner, your UserID is your alphanumeric CustomerID
number found in your Training Record Book. Your Password (by default) is
your 7 numerical NRIC number without the letters, e.g. 1234567. Please
change your default password as soon as possible.
If you are a private learner, your UserID is your NRIC number, e.g.
S1234567X. Your Password is the 6 numbers you were asked to key in when
you first enrolled.
e-Learning / e-Trial Tests / Theory (CDC School Learners only)
How do I access e-Learning?
Theory or 3PT enrolment
How do I book e-Trial Test sessions?
Booking of e-Trial Test can be made:
How do I cancel e-Trial Test sessions?
Cancellation of e-Trial Test session can be made:
Cancellation of e-Trial Test session must be made at least 2 working days (48 working hours - not inclusive of Public Holidays) in advance.
Can I take up Theory Lessons with CDC even if I am not a CDC learner?
Yes, you can! Just sign up with CDC's 3T (Class 3/3A Theory) package
and you will be on your way to learning all you need to know about
driving theory before going practical!
No more relying on theory books. No more re-taking of theory tests. Click here for more details!
What are the benefits of joining CDC?
Do I have to attend the theory lessons in sequence?
No, it is not necessary.
Do I need to book for the theory lessons before attending the session?
Yes. Prior booking is required.
How do I book for my theory lessons / e-trial tests / practical lessons?
You can book your lessons by coming down personally to the Customer
Service counters, or through the CDC website. Alternatively, booking of
practical lessons can also be done using the self-service kiosks located
at Level 1 in the Customer Service Centre.
Booking & Cancellation of Practical Lessons
How do I book my practical lessons?
Booking of Practical Lessons can be made:
A VALID Provisional Driving Licence (PDL) is required before the commencement of every practical lesson.
How do I cancel my practical lessons?
Cancellation of Practical Lessons can be made:
Cancellation of any Practical Lesson must be made at least 2 working days (48 working hours - not inclusive of Public Holidays) in advance.
How many lessons do I have to attend before I can take the practical test?
On average, a learner will need an average of 24 - 27 lessons before
they can take the practical test. The final number of lessons required
will be advised by the instructors.
What will happen to the fees paid if I missed the practical lesson due to unforeseen circumstances?
The fees paid will be forfeited and no refund will be granted. Medical
certificate will not be accepted as a reason for late cancellation of
practical lesson appointment.
Provisional Driving Licence (PDL)
Where and when can I apply for my Provisional Driving Licence (PDL)?
You should apply for your Class 3 Provisional Driving Licence (PDL)
upon passing your Basic Theory Test and before you start driving lessons
in the circuit and on the public road.
Please come personally to apply for your PDL at the Traffic Police
Counter (Level 2) during their operating hours. Bring along your Basic
Theory Test result slip and Original Identity Card with a fee of
$25.00. Payment is by NETS or CashCard only.
Where and when can I renew my PDL when it expires?
The PDL is valid for six months and the fee is $25.00. You can renew
your Class 3 PDL at any Singapore Post Office and the renewal fee is
$25.00 (payable via NETS or CashCard only). Renewal of Class 2B PDL
can only be made at the Traffic Police Counter at ComfortDelGro Driving
Centre, which is located at Level 2.
What should I do if I lose my PDL?
You have to make a loss report at Traffic Police Headquarters located at No. 10 Ubi Ave 3.
Booking of Theory Test
How do I book my Theory Test?
Booking of Theory Tests can be made:
Do note that no cancellation or refund of Theory Test date is allowed once booked.
Can I book both my theory and practical tests simultaneously?
You need to pass both of your theory tests first before proceeding to
book your practical test. Therefore, you cannot book both tests at one
Booking of Practical Driving Test
When can I apply for my Traffic Police Practical Driving Test?
You can apply for the Traffic Police Practical Driving Test upon
completing the Final Theory test, and after a reasonable number of
practical lessons.
Please produce your valid PDL, Final Theory Test result slip, Learner
Training Record booklet when booking at the counter. Your PDL must be
valid when you book the Practical Driving Test.
Can I learn driving or go for my Practical Driving Test when I am pregnant?
You may do so subject to prior approval from your gynecologist to
certify that you are fit for practical training as well as the Practical
Driving Test. Please bring along the letter of certification from your
gynecologist for every practical lesson or the Traffic Police Practical
Driving Test. You have to submit the most recent letter to the Traffic
Police Department on the day of your Practical Driving Test.
Important Notes
If you have any serious traffic offences pending against you, you are
advised not to apply for a licence. This is because if you are
eventually disqualified by court from holding or obtaining a driving
licence, the disqualification could be for all classes of driving
licence including any newly acquired licence.
Any new driver who has two cases of not displaying distinguishing mark
(triangular sign) against them, whether the cases are concluded or
otherwise, will not be allowed to take a theory / practical test.
Cancellation of Theory / Practical Tests
Can I cancel my Theory / Practical Tests after I have made a booking?
With effect from 1 October 2008, there be no refund of test fee, vehicle rental fee and warming-up fees for any
cancellation of your test date by you. You are allowed to book for one
test only. No multiple bookings of tests across the test centers is
allowed. Any multiple bookings of test will be cancelled and no refund
if the test fees will be made. Please ensure compliance before you
confirm your booking.
Practical Driving Test Day
What do I have to bring on my Practical Driving Test day?
You must bring the following on your Practical Driving Test day: