Want to check with forumers here -
This acquaintance of mine got caught drink driving and licence disqualified for 2 years. However, still continues driving. One evening while drink driving, he mounts his car on the curb at 3am at night. Abandons car. However, police found his abandoned car and tows it away.
Next day, they call him to the police station. As there is photographic evidence, he admits to driving without licence while under disqualification. Now he is pending a court hearing. AND, he is still driving...
Based on precedent cases, it appears he will be jailed. But apparently the TP said he will get off with a fine at most. Is this possible?
jail better lah
before getting into more trouble (himself and others)
More information: driving-in-singapore.spf.gov.sg
The TP really weird though, disqualified and DRINK DRIVING only got fine. Srsly what's wrong with drivers this days. Need go to jail if caught again. Jail time can be abt 1 week.
Originally posted by Silent Sentinel:Hi,
Want to check with forumers here -
This acquaintance of mine got caught drink driving and licence disqualified for 2 years. However, still continues driving. One evening while drink driving, he mounts his car on the curb at 3am at night. Abandons car. However, police found his abandoned car and tows it away.
Next day, they call him to the police station. As there is photographic evidence, he admits to driving without licence while under disqualification. Now he is pending a court hearing. AND, he is still driving...
Based on precedent cases, it appears he will be jailed. But apparently the TP said he will get off with a fine at most. Is this possible?
BY RIGHT, it shall be jail 3 months at least and fine..... bcos he admit to driving w/o licence....but by left not sure liao....as nowadays spf cho dai-ji *shake head*.....
you wan him confirm go jail?
report to TP and they will sent someone down to spy him......they have a group of ppl doing this job ( last time, now don know).....if kenna, big time for him!! car maybe chong-kong also.....
dont bother engaging lawyer.
i had a close friend who got caught driving while disqualfied.
1 year suspension. which is revoked. 1.8K fine. no jail term.
plead your case well and ask for a light sentence without beating around the bush. thats the key.