Hi all, I am currently learning driving at cdc ubi and my instructor takes me through 1 module per driving lesson. I was initially told at the counter that i could start to book the practical test after 16 lessons usually , however, my instructors will only do one topic per lesson and no more than that.
After passing my ftt, when i went to the counter i was told that i had to at least complete module 2 before i could book the practical test. From module 1 to 2 is 20 topics, so I had to go and take about 20 lessons before i could book my practical test.
Previously I read the blue colored booklet they read and saw that there were 30 topics in total and then i asked my instructor and he said that yes, i had to take 30 lessons before i could take my driving test. (This is already more than the usual amount of lessons i have heard from my friends which take about 25-26) .
In addition, before you can book the driving test , you have to have this "minimum no. of lessons required before driving test recommendation from your instructor as stated in the blue booklet that is provided. My instructor upon finishing module 2, wrote about 15 lessons his reason given was that in addition to the 30 topics, i had to drive through all the test routes at 2 per lesson, and there were about 10 test routes.
So, when i tried to book my practical test, they told me i had to die-die book the 15 lessons or they would not let me even book the test and already the next available slot is really far away in october now. This comes up to a total of 35 lessons and a really long time to get my drivers license and is heck of alot more lessons than I usually hear of.
I can't help but wonder if i'm being cheated here , could somebody please offer me some advice?
How many lessons do I have to attend before I can take the practical test?
On average, a learner will need an average of 24 - 27 lessons before
they can take the practical test. The final number of lessons required
will be advised by the instructors.
That means either your instructor is taking his own sweet time to teach you slowly or he see that you are a slow learner who is just another "cannot make it" learner-driver.
Change instructor, and write to [email protected] (cdc.com.sg/feedback.htm) to complain.