I was at NUH for a consultation on Thursday 16 May 2013.
I was there from 9.40am till 11am. I parked my car in the open car park in front of the main building. I was using Car Park Lot 173.
When I came back, I saw that the passenger side of my car has been hit. There was a dent and the headlight mirror was broken.
The culprit had simply driven off after the deed. Although there are supposed to be CCTVs installed, the management of the carpark refused to show me the clip and said they would only do so when the police came.
I made a police report and was told to wait because they have many other cases to handle. I think by the time the police do start on the case, the trail would be cold. So I 've decided to ask for for your help.
If anyone has seen the accident, please email me at hermes173@gmail.com. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I don't know why the photos didn't come out. Not very tech-savvy. I'll try again.
Cannot. Can anyone help? I'm using flickr
u oredi posted in stomp
no need to spam in every other forum
that's the end of it. as long as no one die or kenna injurded, police wouldn't really look deep into it lah.
a murder case vs some car hit, which one will get priority.
Either call the police again and check with them ...
Else call your insurance company.
Got photos of the other party's car or video clip that clearly shows what actually happen does help if you approach your insurance company. How long to claim back ? No one knows..