Published on Mar 13, 2013
4:18 PM
The twin car measures announced in February have affected COE prices in the first tender on Wednesday, but not exactly in the way observers expected.
COE for cars up to 1,600cc ended at $74,689, down slightly from $78,301 before the loans curb and tiered taxation system were announced.
COE for cars above 1,600cc plunged from $92,667 to $58,090, as did its proxy, Open COE, which closed sharply lower at $65,001 - down from $91,910.
This is the first time that buyers of a economy car like a Toyota Corolla will pay substantially more for a Certificate of Entitlement (COE) than the buyer of a luxury car like a Porsche 911 since the COE system was introduced 23 years ago.
becos of the ARF on OMV....
Many bookings was cancelled due to the ARF
50% limitation on the bank loans.
up to 5 years re-payment period.....
So many restrictions.... knn.... take bus/MRT better...
dowan leh
oredi bery squeezzzzzzy
Spore buses will be.....
with 6.9 million population.....
Huat ah.
Originally posted by charlize:Huat ah.
Times are bad......
Though COE is down.... (Cat A, Cat B & Cat D)....
everybody staying away from cars....
may spillover to public transports...
the traffic in spore roads will be something like.....
ye! Vote for PAP in 2016!
yeah. so more ppl can buy 跑车!
Originally posted by Dalforce 1941:ye! Vote for PAP in 2016!
since u said that....
COE and ERP for bicycles!
Huat ah.
Originally posted by charlize:COE and ERP for bicycles!
Huat ah.
When those whom wanted to buy car but cannot afford 1 right now.....
will KNN take MRT/Buses.....
Then they (Public transports) increase the prices again.....
Huat ah.... for MIW again.....
u prolly have to walk past a ERP gantry before u reach the bus stop
Originally posted by GHoST_18:u prolly have to walk past a ERP gantry before u reach the bus stop
A gantry?
Try 3 or 4.
Originally posted by GHoST_18:u prolly have to walk past a ERP gantry before u reach the bus stop
it will be.....
hence... don't leave home without your cashcard.....
if take the stairs can siam ERP?
Originally posted by FireIce:if take the stairs can siam ERP?
Maybe slightly cheaper.
Give you 1 cent rebate.
someone i know just changed 跑车.
so fast.
Huat lor.