Is Sg's vehicle prices rediculous ?
Will it be good for business ? For car owner ?
Who has to absorb the costs ? End-Users ?
Will it cause inflation go high and high ?
Who is the culprit ?
Who benefits from high COE ? LTA ? SMRT ? WHO ?
Who suffer in real life ? The people ?
no no no no no no no no
My honest opinion they should revert to the old system ie 3 categories for cars
Cat A:Car under 1400cc COE should maintain between $18000-35000
Cat B:Car above 1401cc-1800cc COE should maintain between $25000-45000
Cat C:Car above 1801cc COE should maintain between $40000-60000
It's pretty simple i think. Buy a car only if you can afford one. No point going all out and burning the candle on both ends just to own a car. If you can't afford one, take public transport. It's plenty good.