li hai.
From what i heard, the driver of this car was speeding when a van is coming out from parallel parking , so the driver quickly swerve to the left, mounted the kerb and the rest is in the photo. the driver was not seen throughout the time when i was there.
must be a youngster driving this car, if i not wrong. imagine, if can mount kerb and go in. really have to be speeding.
Heng ah, never hit fei fei ar.
Originally posted by kengkia:must be a youngster driving this car, if i not wrong.
imagine, if can mount kerb and go in. really have to be speeding.
Wei wei wei~ dun stereotype hokay~
Just becoz it's Honda Civic, u think it's some youngster cheongster or racer wannabes rite?
why are u so worked up?
Are u the driver of the Honda Civic?
Why u run away from scene after crash?
Why? Why?