Fellow SGForums who have attained their driver licence. I'd like to ask some rubbish question.
I parked my car at Fort Canning yesterday evening ard 1900hrs, on a single carriageway with single yellow line at the side, I do understand that one can park on Single Yellow Line for free from 1900hrs to 0700hrs the following day except Sunday and PH.
But when I return to my car at 2215hrs, bloody hell, I tio one summon despite parking at the single yellow line. Offence stated on my summon was 'Obstruct or prevent the smooth circulation of traffic by parking or stopping - $100'. Summon issued at 2115hrs. But if that's the case, then might as well they draw double yellow line?
I have ask fellow forumer Gigabytes14 to appeal on my behalf.
What are the chances har?
Kum sia many many in advance.
most likely the security guard at one of the buildings/ centres/ hotel/ ROM call TP hotline as there already have 2 to 3 public carparks to use, you don't want to use.
It all full, majority of e cars all parked at the road side, cars parked at both single and double yellow line also tio.
Can go appeal....
many of these so-called road marshalls are "FOREIGN TALENT".... out-sourced by LTA.
the more tickets they issued... the more "revenue" they gets... Go... bang some tables.
Good Luck.
There's such a thing as the summon you received even if you parked in a road with NO Markings at all. That's the blanket summons for everything under the sun.
But go appeal, give your reasons (always try to put the blame on something or someone else), express regret and no major obstruction and maybe you might get off.