Hi,i m new here..just wanna share some piece of my experience to others,
At that point of time when my sister was not able to finance the car that I gave her;she gave me back with outstanding monthly bills of 2 months loan which I had to settle..furthermore when i got into accident the car was not insured thus this cause to revoked all my license and had to sell both my cars.
I felt as if I was blackmail by my own sister for not telling me the truth to me.i had to attend court and pay the fine.i still had to borrow from some banks and close relative so as to settle for the money for the cars.
Come this August,I believe my suspension will end..
1.Will there be any letter stating that I could retake my license?
2.Will I have to retake everything from scratch or is there any retakers for revoked & suspended license?
Lastly will the tester have any information abt the retaker whether how he/she lost their license.
To all Bros & Sisters,need ur feedbacks and advises.
Thank you.
If your licence revoked means it is dead, you have to retake driving test, if you are still quallified to take the test.
If suspended, means you get back your licence after the suspension.
Best you call the number on the letter you received for your suspension or revocation.