i currently p plate working as a driver under company earning 1.2 after cpf deduction..the van i can bring home just need to pay my season parking etc..so after work i sometimes go out wit frens or family..but 1st few month working i get alot of summon..parking on hdb carkpark without coupon,erp for not enough balance,LTA fine like double yellow etc..thanks gods i havent receive a traffice offence yet..i feel stress my pay it gone for this kind of fine..
my qns is hw driver or owner of vehicle esp private car outside survive?..
do u guys always put coupon wen parking on hdb carpark?(to me seriously i dun think i would put coupon in watever carpark i go?..the parkin warden wil nt patrol all the time wat!!n it waste of money even its 50cts,1 dolar or even 4 dolar rite?
cashcard we always need to have sufficient balance but its really impossible because sometime we dun know hw much the cost erp parking if we exceed or on the expressway as we dun knw wat time the erp is on?
my summary is tat government(hdb,lta etc)juz happy2 wan to earn money from us:(..hw ppl like me goin to survive..pls comment
some learning lessons from season experience drivers:
1. cash card top up $50 every time. check card balance everyday when off work.
2. park car where your eyes can see and stay close to it.
e.g. when drivers go to hawker centre/ coffeeshop/ toilet, they always try to find places where carpark is big enough and even when having meals/ drink coffee, can see the car right in front of them.
3. if want to park car far away from your eyes, please put parking coupons.
e.g. never put at all, immediate $30 fine straight away.
put, but late less than 30 minutes, $6 fine.
put, but late more than 30 minutes, $30 fine.
4. always observe traffic rules, even when parking.
e.g. even want to park on road side, they also find broken single white line.
5. don't speed on highway, especially when nearing overhead bridges. TP officers sometimes stand there uses speed camera detection guns.
6. don't drive on bus lanes during bus lane timings, TP officers usually hide behind the advertisement poster stand with their camera.
Whether or not it's the government wanting to earn your money, the fact is that you must be willing to pay if you want to drive.
If you don't want to be stressed, then you will have to put parking coupons and top up your cashcard. Most people do so. If you don't want to, then you risk getting fined.
Not parking at double yellow lines is just being considerate to other road users or pedestrians.
i think u are just a CHEAP STAKE
wan this wan that ???
Y not u study hard and be the president of the country then no need to pay for anything
even TP dont dare to summon u when u park in the middle of the road.
no $$$ then dont drive lah.