Hi i want to make a car purchase soon.
Should i import a hakosuka or use the money to buy a maserati or M3?
You can start with.....
wireless remote control.... lambo.
just buy a maserati.
Or maybe i should wait for the M6 ?
Sigh the decisions you have to make in life is so hard : /
Originally posted by Schlong91:Or maybe i should wait for the M6 ?
Sigh the decisions you have to make in life is so hard : /
it's easy you just want to gain attention that's why you make it look as if it's difficult.
you're like my friend, say buy a house at ION Orchard, after 2 years still live in rented 1 room flat... then my other friend also another one, say already bought a ferrari, currently they building for him... 2 years later still driving his old car...
You seem to be talking about yourself to be honest.
Im sorry you think that way but the difference between me and " your friend " is that i already have the capabilities to afford the commodity.
So yeah maybe you should just go back to living in your mediocre life and stop bothering me.
how about a Bugatti Veyron?
Originally posted by lce:how about a Bugatti Veyron?
Fastest Street Legal Car in the world. 0-100m in 2.6seconds. Easily 250mph / 400km/h ONLY.
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:
Fastest Street Legal Car in the world. 0-100m in 2.6seconds. Easily 250mph / 400km/h ONLY.
ya all other super cars are childplay
Originally posted by Schlong91:Hi i want to make a Car purchase soon.
Should i import a hakosuka or use the money to buy a maserati or M3?
I suggest you buy a maserati. More worth it
Don't buy maserati lah, copy me!
The veyron isn't the fastest anymore. Oh, and why not start with a mediocre car? learn drive properly 1st, save money, lower insurance. I doubt you will be able to enjoy your maserati/m3 as 1st car because you probably can't explore the limits of it yet.
i think until today he haven't buy... talk nia... alot of farting sounds come out...