Need advice.
I was driving along 1st lane at abt 60km/h when I saw a car ahead on right side going to make a u-turn. The driver did not stop n went beyond his white "give way" lines. But when the driver saw my car, it stopped but his car has already intruded into my lane n no way I could swift to 2nd lane as there were other cars. I jam brake immediately but my car still skidded n hit a part of his left front door. It was dented n scratched. My right bumper oso got scratched badly and it was out of alightment.
Being a newbie for accidents, both parties didn't know what to do. We drove to the side n I began to snap pics of his licence n both damages. He was apologetic n said he didn't see my car coming n both of us agree to let insurance co. to handle.
I called my insurer n they advised me to go back Volvo as my car is still under warranty, otherwise it could void my warranty. Volvo quoted me $3.x for repairs. The other car is a Lexus.
For my repairs, I m claiming from my own insurer. Then after that Volvo will issue a lawyer's letter to the other driver's insurer to claim the repair n the excess cash that I paid.
Do you think it is clearly his fault n I could claim 100% from his insurance co.?
Wonder if my no claim bonus n premium will be affected since I m claiming from my insurer for the damages 1st.
My insurance due to renew in apr 2012. Really just my luck to meet such driver. Apparently he is a foreigner n told me he just started to drive in Singapore not long. He only got his licence April this year.
why claim yr own insurance wen other party at fault?
yr NCD will be forfeited
Originally posted by Miltan:We drove to the side n I began to snap pics of his licence n both damages
You should take pictures of the Accident-On-The-Spot... Point of contact.
(to show evidence that his car is making a U-Turn)....
Only after that, should you shift your vehicles to the side of the road.
Now that you haven't done that, the other party can turn around hitting you with a "NEW SCENERIO" accusing you that you hit him.
Ice, I was advised to do that so the claims will be much faster. If i win the case, the excess $ n NCD will be refunded n won't be affected. I m really clueless on how to handle, so just listen to Volvo's advice. They oso said that's what normally people will do.
Just_do_it lah. I agree with u that I shld have done that. He n I were just ignorant n didn't what to do there. He called me after that to see can settle ptely but being the amt too huge, he prefer to settle via insurer. He said he will be responsible for it.
Anything think there is nothing I will do now except to pray he hold his words n wait for the outcome months later. If there anyway I can see what he has reported with his insurance company?
Went to retrieve the driver's statement n sketch drawings with his insurance co. and it was according to what I had reported. That was, he stopped after the give-way dotted lines while making a U turn.
So in this case, can I claim 100% of my damages?
Originally posted by Miltan:Ice, I was advised to do that so the claims will be much faster. If i win the case, the excess $ n NCD will be refunded n won't be affected. I m really clueless on how to handle, so just listen to Volvo's advice. They oso said that's what normally people will do.
Just_do_it lah. I agree with u that I shld have done that. He n I were just ignorant n didn't what to do there. He called me after that to see can settle ptely but being the amt too huge, he prefer to settle via insurer. He said he will be responsible for it.
Anything think there is nothing I will do now except to pray he hold his words n wait for the outcome months later. If there anyway I can see what he has reported with his insurance company?
That what insurance company normally will do. Claim you, yourselves, your insurance then fight the case. If win, they return the $$$ to your insurance company and your NCD will not be affected.
Coz if u wanna wait till after they settle the case, claim insurance and then repair your car. It can take week or month. U will be out of transport for that time. Which is not adviseable.
Originally posted by Miltan:Went to retrieve the driver's statement n sketch drawings with his insurance co. and it was according to what I had reported. That was, he stopped after the give-way dotted lines while making a U turn.
So in this case, can I claim 100% of my damages?
If slightly dented just replace the parts and paint the damage parts. Ya 100% claim
But if a badly damage. Insurance company might shout total lost. Which means the claim is more then the value of your car. Is not a 100% claim. Check with your insurance. I not sure if this (total lost) include in the third party claim.