When I was at school,I was told Singapore is the most national income per capita country even more than USA,I woder what is the percentage of car-holder for adults
Dear Siliton,
Your data suggest to me that you may not know about our country's debt to GDP ratio and the inequility percentage in Singapore. Please research more about the above two points that I've mentioned before painting Singapore as a good image. Thank you and more good years ahead.
Dear hacker99,
maybe I should read more about Singapore before I come to a conclusion.
Please stay around in this forum more i would love to make new friend with you
Why want to know the rate of car ownership in Singapore?
The car price in Singapore is astronomical. About three times the normal car price.
Therefore, when a Singaporean buys one car, he is paying the price of three cars. Which means he can afford of buy three cars elsewhere in the world for the price of one in Singapore.
In fact, if not for the import tax, additional tax, GST, COE everyone who is working in Singapore can buy a car or two.
Dear hacker99,
I am just here,glad to make friends with you too
it's definately not cheap for car ownership here.
Singapore is one of the world's most expensive place to own and buy a car. Yes, you read it correctly, 'to own and to buy'.
Originally posted by Siliton:When I was at school,I was told Singapore is the most national income per capita country even more than USA,I woder what is the percentage of car-holder for adults
Guess you were spoon-fed propaganda.
Originally posted by Darkness_hacker99:Singapore is one of the world's most expensive place to own and buy a car. Yes, you read it correctly, 'to own and to buy'.
I don't think you own the car because you still need to renew COE... In other countries no such thing as COE so can use car for a long time, that's called ownership... Over here, you "rent" the car until the COE runs out... then usually people think it's time to change car.